Chocolate and Vanilla GLB Advanced Training Mannequin with Replacement Eyelids from Goldlashbar

Best Lash Training Mannequin | No More Cheap Imitations

The Most Advanced Training Mannequin Available, ANYWHERE!

Introducing Our Advanced Training Mannequin, a Goldlashbar exclusive!
Don't fall for the cheap imitations...There is only one GLB Mannequin  
Perfect for those lash artists and lash educators who take their craft seriously and anyone who wants to cut their lash learning curve IN HALF!...
This amazing new product solves everything!
It's great for advertising your business on social media, teaching your students new lashing techniques Or if you're just trying out something new.
Now You never have to struggle to find a live model, You can just use our new training mannequin!
It's VERY realistic and made from a patented Bio-skin material that mimics the movement and feel of real human skin, so it's just like the real thing!
Until Now, Eyelash Extension Artists and Lash Educators have been struggling with un realistic hollow, plasticky doll heads and cheaper imitation products that have single-use, false eyelash strips for you to train with.
But the problem is, they just aren't practical when you are preparing for what it's like to work with a real live model. 
Not to mention how hard it is trying to get those horrible lash strips to stay in place, we all know how messy and frustrating that can get!
But now, EVERYTHING has changed...
Now you can practice anytime you want, without having to deal with another model who is running late or depending on "close friend" who just wants to chat about the weather while you are trying to focus.
The best part is, when you're done you can just remove the eyelash extensions using your favourite cream or gel remover, (solid removers are not recommended) OR "banana peel method"
Better yet, if you purchase our extra 6pcs set of interchangeable eyelids you can keep your best works on display to showcase each of the different styles & techniques you can offer to your clients.
Needless to say, our new GLB mannequin is a game changer!
We know that you will absolutely love it...
BUT If you don't, you can always return it (unused within 30 days of purchase) for a refund (minus shipping charges)
And that is our Goldlashbar Guarantee!
So What are you waiting for? Click HERE To Get Yours NOW!
Rachael Kado & Des Szumlak
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